Mental Health Awareness Month


May is National Mental Health awareness month and as the salmon season approaches it is a great time to start preparing for the mental challenges that come with the long days ahead. While you may be focused on the physical challenges that come with working 16 hours a day and 7 days a week, your mental health is equally important. It is challenging to work long days on little sleep during peak season, and it can be difficult to maintain a positive attitude while balancing taking care of your mental and physical health. It is important to stay vigilant and take small steps every day to create a routine that you can fall back on when you may be struggling.

Our seasoned staff has taken the time to compile some helpful tips for the first year or returning workers to help manage their mental health.

·       Before work, make sure you are drinking plenty of water and taking the time to stretch and get yourself ready for the long day ahead.

·       Throughout the work day; make sure you are eating enough at meals to sustain the physical activity you will be doing, (eating snacks is also a great way to supplement meals). Again, staying hydrated is also important.

·       It is important to try and make friends whenever you have free time as those people will help carry you through the season. Throughout the season, take a moment to say hi to those around you and learn who they are, everyone up here is going through similar experiences as you probably are, and they might have encouragement or advice that will help carry you through the day. Friends make this place memorable, and most returning employees will tell you that the people they met made the biggest impact on their experience here and motivated them to return for years to come.

·       When you get off work, try to take time for yourself and wind down in a way that is most beneficial for you. Whether that be taking a walk, journaling, hanging out with your friends or listening to a podcast, that can all be a great way to take care of yourself.

·       Download meditation and yoga material prior to coming up to Alaska. It’s a good way to wind down at the end of the day and relax before going to sleep.

·       Prioritize sleep. You are going to be tired and your body and mind will appreciate the rest.


Here in Naknek, we have many resources available to help you while you are up here working with us. If you are struggling, make sure that you reach out and let someone know. The local clinic, Camai Community Health Center, has accessible behavioral health services, so even in remote Alaska we can support your mental health and wellbeing. Tackling your mental health alone can feel impossible at times, but if you surround yourself with a positive support system and create a network of people you are comfortable asking for help from, it can make your experience much more positive.


This season, we are excited to announce that we will be raffling off 3 one-year subscriptions to the Headspace app to help support you before and after you come up for the season. This is a great tool you can use to relieve stress and anxiety.


Tips from longtime LCF employees

“Sleep, sleep, sleep! It’s easy to want to socialize after work but make sure to take care of yourself.”

-Ana Ruth, Production - 12 years at LCF

 “So much of your time is dedicated to the company so make sure to do at least one thing for yourself each day. Whether it be going on a walk or listening to your favorite song.”

-Rose, Vac Pac - 11 years at LCF

 “Don’t be afraid to open up to new people and communicate with your leads. Check in with yourself frequently and make sure you listen to your body and then do what you need to take care of yourself.”

-Anthony, HR - 7 years at LCF